Can I gain muscle mass by doing push-ups?

10/15/2015 08:43:00 PM

The push-up is a basic, entry level mass-builder that may get you as far as you want to go in terms of muscle size. For those interested in real size gain, variations on the push-up exercises can produce significant increases in mass and physical strength.

Push-ups are simple to perform, and you can do them almost anywhere. To build muscle mass, you need to load and stress your muscle fibers so that they break down enough to stimulate protein synthesis -- the repair and growth of muscle fibers -- resulting in a stronger, larger muscle. Push-ups allow for loading of your deltoids, pectorals and triceps with about 60 percent of your body's weight. To maximize the muscle-building process, perform your push-ups slowly, especially in the downward phase. Do not allow gravity to pull you down.  

You will be able to gain muscle up to a point.  Eventually, your body will adapt to the demands being placed on it, and you'll plateau.  You can avoid plateaus and gain muscle by incorporating more advanced versions of body weight exercises into your training.  For example, you do plyometric/plyo push ups instead of regular/standard push ups.  You can include negatives and isometrics into your training as well. 

You can also increase resistance by wearing a weighted vest, having someone sit on your upper back or push down on your upper back, using a resistance band, or even filling a backpack with weight and wearing the backpack while doing push-ups (this is what I have been doing). Also, you can vary the push-up routine in order to challenge your muscles in brand new ways and increase resistance.

Standard Declined Push-Up

Declined Diamond Push-Up

Diamond Push-Up

Floor Mopping Robot :)

Happy Push-Up!  

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