30 Days Plank Challenge!

1/04/2016 04:41:00 PM

When it comes to core workouts, no exercise beats the plank in terms of effectiveness and time! Plank challenges the entire body and burns more calories than a traditional crunch.  It's also much easier on the back and can help prevent injuries.

My 1st plank was about 8 months ago and I clocked less than a minute!  That was kind of discouraged isn't it?  :(  Occasionally, I tried to plank again and had noticed that I can plank longer and longer as my core strength increases.  But I never get serious about it because I don't think planking is fun :(  The longest plank I was able to do two months ago was 4 minutes and I thought that was pretty good for a guy like me :)

Close to a month ago, I noticed a fitness guy, "Matt", in IG that planked for 10 min 30 sec!  WOW!  that completed blew my mind!

Inspired by him (#30dayplanchallenge), I thought I gave it a try!  Why not?

He suggested me to start with 4 min 30 sec, plank 3 days straight, rest a day, add 30 seconds and repeat.

That was how I got started!    

December 6th 2015 - Day 1 - Target: 4 min 30 second.  Result: 5 minutes!  Yay!!!

December 8th 2015 - Day 3 - Target: 5 min as the 3rd straight day!  Completed!

December 10th 2015 - Day 5 - I plank for 5 min 30 sec!

December 11th 2015 - Day 6 - I plank for 5 min 38 sec!

December 12th 2015 - Day 7 - I plank for 7 minutes!

December 15th 2015 - Day 10 - I plank for 6 min 30 sec!

December 16th 2015 - Day 11 - I plank for 7 minutes again!

December 18th 2015 - Day 13 - I plank for 8 minutes!

December 21st 2015 - Day 16 - I plank for only 5 min 30 sec because I was tired after the company's party weekend :)

December 23rd 2015 - Day 17 - I plank for 7 min again! Yay!

December 24th 2015 - Day 18 - I plank for only 5 min at the KLIA while waiting for my flight :)  Vacation started!  Take it easy man!  My #30dayplankchallenge was on hold! :)

BTW, I did planks during my vacation :) :) :)

I may or may not continue my #30dayplankchallenge but I will definitely plank regularly to strengthen my core!  As of now, my personal best (PB) was 8 minutes and I am happy with that! :)  

January 10th 2016 - 7 minutes plank and sun tanning! :)
January 17th 2016 - 8 minutes plank and sun tanning! :)
January 24th 2016 - 7 minutes plank and more sun tanning!  Very hot day!
February 13th 2016 - 7 minutes 30 seconds plank :)
February 20th 2016 - 8 minutes 15 seconds plank!!! Yay!

My longest plank time was 8 minutes 30 seconds :)

Stay Tuned!

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  1. I want so bad to be like you man help!!!! So inspiring man

  2. Hi Matthews, apologized for the late reply. #getfitjourney was one of the best decision I made in my life! The fitness journey had affected my life more than just the physique transformation, it also enhance my overall lifestyle.

    To get started, the first thing is to identify your fitness goals; identify the type of exercises/workouts that will accomplish your goals that within your ability, last but not least, Just Do It!

    I always keep my exercises/workouts simple and I don't spend hours hangout in the gym. I workout 5 days per week and each session is 45-60 minutes. Feel free to ask me questions and I'm happy to share my experiences :) If you have Instagram, please check me out because I'm more active there. IG: fredkwong

    Thanks buddy!


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