Why should you do push-ups?

7/15/2015 01:28:00 PM

Are you a fan of the Push-ups? Do you wake up in the morning and think “I just can’t wait to
do push-ups!” :)  

Push-Ups Build Strength – Everywhere

Push-ups are one of the oldest and most basic of exercises for a simple reason. They work! The exercise positions all the muscles in our upper body and builds optimal strength in the forearms, shoulders, chest. And for the ladies, they will “get rid of the jig” by targeting the upper arms. And when done properly, also put emphasis on building a strong core by stabilizing the abdominal and back. 

Push-Ups Boosts Metabolism

Because you’re making everything work, you are pushing your body towards total physical exertion. And while that hurts a little, might make you want to throw up a little, it also forces your heart to work harder. Your muscles demand more oxygen to make energy and the only way to get it is from the heart pumping blood around faster. That will boost your metabolic rate so you burn more calories. Your metabolism is essentially your paycheck in terms of calories. The higher your metabolism, the more calories you get to eat.  This is one of the reason why I am able to get leaner while still enjoying my food! :)  Hahaha! 

Push-Ups Give you an Ego Boost

There isn’t just a physiological benefit to these bad boys but also a psychological perk as well! Doing push-ups regularly will build significant upper body strength with a minimal investment of time. Essentially, you can reap the same benefits as those guys who spend hours in the gym every day and it is free!

Push-Ups are Excuse Free

Sorry folks — no excuses here. No expensive equipment needed. No gym membership required. No trainer instruction is necessary. You don’t need any rhythm or special skill. You can’t blame the rain or the heat. Short of a wrist or shoulder injury, you’re pretty much out of luck when it comes to looking for a way out of it.  Want my advice?  Just Do It! 
This is what I did yesterday:
(1) Incline Push-Ups - 15 reps x 3 sets
(2) Regular Push-Ups - 20 reps x 3 sets
(3) Diamond Push-Ups - 15 reps x 3 sets

Happy Push-Ups Folks!

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